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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Man's Best Friend

In the 1943 yearbook I found a reference to the "cavalry motto" on the barn by the "new" vet building. I think this means the horse barn, and that would make the cavalry motto "Man's Best Friend." Has anyone found or heard anything else about the inscription on the barn?

That yearbook also lots of pictures of barns on campus, but it's hard to put them in context with our barn. What year were the other barns moved away?

Also, there are frequent mentions of barn dances around this time, and it sounds like some of them may have actually been held in barns. Any stories about dances in the horse barn?


  1. All barns but the Horse Barn were torn down and removed off campus from 1951-1954. A New Horse Barn was built with the off campus barns.

    Our barn sat empty from 54 until 59

  2. According to my informants the dances were not held in the horse barn. One said that the dances were held in a hall in downtown Logan; he worked and studied on campus during the years just after WWII. Once the students union building was built, the dances were held there.
